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Waiting For It Page 12
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Fucking right, I could. I dipped my fingers between my legs, sliding two inside me and arching into the penetration. It wasn’t the same as one of the guys, but it was still incredible. With my other hand, I found my clit. There was no more buildup or tease. I rubbed frantically, grinding against my touch, my hips thrusting in desperation.
I melted against the hardwood back of the chair, head tilted back and eyes closed.
“Watching is nice, but I can’t keep my distance anymore.” Chase’s words blended with the fuzz in my head, rather than disrupting it.
And then his lips were on mine. His fingers at the back of my head, holding me in place.
When he pulled away, I opened my eyes to find him watching me with a look that stole any breath I had left.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” His words rumbled over me.
Luke was next to him and had rolled on a condom when I was otherwise distracted. He gripped my wrist loosely and drew my fingers into his mouth, to suck them clean one at a time, while Chase teased along my chest and arms.
Luke tugged me to my feet, slid behind me, and pulled me with him when he sat. His cock slid inside me, stretching me out and making me moan.
Chase stood in front of me, lightly stroking himself.
I was hungry for more of what I’d had the other night. Losing myself in the pleasure of being filled. I leaned forward enough to lick Chase’s tip. Swirl my tongue around the sensitive skin. Let my senses dance to his groans.
He thrust into my mouth.
Luke teased me gently. A barely there touch over my breasts, my nipples, and my thighs. It was a new kind of torture, on the opposite end of rough. Faint and almost ticklish. It felt as good as everything else we’d done, though.
When Luke started to thrust in me, the movement jarred Chase from my mouth. He picked up on his own. I watched, fascinated and aroused, as he yanked his shaft, his eyes half-shut.
There was a power in knowing he was doing that because of me. That even though he and Chase dictated what we were doing, I had the ultimate control.
The jerk of his hips and staccato grunts said he was close. He shuddered, as sticky white ribbons squirted across his hand. My chest. A splash along my leg.
Luke gripped my throat, and pulled me into him, increasing pressure and the pace of his hammering in me. My head swam, light and giddy. Wrapped in pleasure.
Chase knelt between our legs, and I whimpered at the sight. He licked along my slit, and had to be tasting Luke as well.
Fuck, this was hot.
Chase focused on my clit, sucking and writing the most erotic sonnets with his tongue. Ecstasy enveloped me, encasing me in a climax that rippled through me, starting with the clench between my legs and tingling all the way to my fingertips.
Luke was grunting too—I was vaguely aware of that incredible sound. Slamming against me harder. Frantically. His voice raw. His grip on my thighs tight. The shudder of his orgasm rumbling through him and into me.
As we slowed to a stop, I swore the world around us did the same.
“Everything about you is fucking incredible, baby doll,” Luke murmured against the back of my neck.
God, I just wanted to live in this bliss forever.
And ignore that teensy nagging insistence that I could never have this again.
Chapter Twenty-Two
A girl could get addicted to waking up sandwiched between two men. But as consciousness rushed in, so did the reminder that this ended today. Especially when Chase extracted himself to shower. He had an early flight out. Luke and I would spend a few hours in the office before we left.
Luke dragged a finger over my lower lip, as he lay next to me in bed. “What’s with the pout?”
“I’m going to miss this.”
“It doesn’t have to end.”
But it did. The realization I had yesterday, when I was talking to Sadie, wouldn’t leave me alone. “Not talking to you two sucked. This has been fun and incredible and a whole huge list of adjectives, but that just means the longer we drag things out, the worse it hurts when things don’t work out next time.”
“What makes you think that’s what’s going to happen?” Luke asked.
“It might, it might not. But odds are higher on the might side.” I hated the reality of that. “With Lyn, we made friendship work after. I need that from the two of you—your friendship.”
“You have it. Always.” Luke brushed his lips over my forehead, then pressed his forehead to mine. “I’m going on record as saying I want more, but I understand why you’re holding back. I’m here if you change your mind.”
I nodded, and pulled away before I could sink into the comfort and lose my resolve. I sat with my back to Luke and hugged my knees to my chest.
Silence settled between us. When the shower shut off, the bed bounced from Luke getting up. “Do you want to go first?”
I shook my head. I needed more time to collect myself. That seemed to be my mood of the week.
“I won’t be long. Then you can hop in.” Luke grabbed clothes from his bag and headed into the bathroom as soon as Chase stepped out.
Chase studied me when he entered the room. “You okay?”
“Just gathering my thoughts. Telling myself I can do with you what I did with Lyn.”
He frowned. “I don’t think Lyn loves you the same way I do.”
My breath caught at the confession. The declaration. “Chase, I can’t—”
“It’s okay.” He crouched in front of me and cradled my cheek. He traced his thumb along my skin. “I’m not trying to guilt or force you into anything. I’m here for you, however you need. I always will be.” Chase’s sincerity ached more than if he’d laughed the whole thing off.
“I know.” And I did. Even when we were fighting, part of me always knew I had him.
He pressed his lips to my forehead, and my heart clenched. “I have a plane to catch. I’ll see you back home.”
I nodded, not trusting anything that might come out of my mouth.
LUKE AND I WRAPPED up at the office. There wasn’t much to do, besides tell the team they were awesome and to keep up the good work.
We headed to the airport and boarded our plane without issue. Our seats were next to each other this time.
I settled into the window seat, and Luke took the spot next to me. One of my least favorite things about flying was figuring out where to put my arms so I didn’t bump into rowmates, but I liked the connection that danced between us when his forearm rested against mine.
We didn’t say anything as the plane taxied. I was becoming a master at ignoring anything uncomfortable about silence with Luke, but that didn’t mean I liked it. The dip in my gut as we left the ground was now tied to the memory of the first time Chase kissed me. I was going to call it ButterfliesPlus. I should trademark that.
“You thinking about the flight in?” There was no accusation in Luke’s question.
I should tell him to please kindly step the fuck out of my head, but I didn’t mind that he knew me well enough to ask. “I’ll probably never fly again without thinking about that, even if it did turn out to be a mistake.” The last bit felt obligatory, but it also didn’t feel true.
“Do you really believe that?”
Not even close. I wanted to. Logically, keeping Chase and Luke at arm’s length was the best way to avoid all-around heartbreak. It was also the best way to avoid any potential we all had together. “You’re going to read into this, and I wish you wouldn’t, but I can’t stop you. Would you really be okay, being with me, if I was with Chase too? If I picked both of you, instead of one or none?”
“Yes.” Luke’s reply came without hesitation. “I’m really okay with it.”
I flexed my fingers on my knee, twitching for something to grasp. Needing to ground myself. When Luke tangled his fingers with mine, a shock of warmth and surprise raced through me. I could pull away, but this was comforting. It was right. I didn’t want to resist.
How long would
it take us to get back to normal? Did I even want to?
We kept the conversation to work-related topics for most of the flight, planning cleanup, laying out next steps, and daring to dream about when we were finally done with this game. I appreciated both that Luke stayed away from personal topics and that he rarely let go of my hand until we landed.
Compulsion and experience meant we checked our work email while waiting for our luggage. The world didn’t stop turning because we were in the air. Most of the messages I had would wait until I was back at my desk, but the meeting request from Human Resources made me frown.
“I’ve got to meet with Scott.” Luke sounded as confused by his meeting as I was. “I can drop you off at home.”
I showed him my phone. “I’m heading straight to the office, if you don’t mind me hitching a ride that way.”
“That’s fine.” Luke’s frown deepened. “Any idea what it’s about?”
“I was going to ask you.”
We could toss all sorts of speculation around, but we’d have answers when we were done with our meetings.
Dana, the Human Resources Director, led me into her office moments after I arrived, though I was early. She closed the door behind me, gestured for me to sit, and did the same. The concern etched on her face made me uneasy.
“How are you doing?” she asked kindly.
It didn’t sound like a casual greeting—not with that tone—but I didn’t have any other context. “Good. A little jetlagged. Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.”
“I understand.” Her chuckle sounded forced, and her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “It’s always nice to come home.”
“Yup. Sure is.” I was a master at awkward silences by now, but she had a reason for calling this meeting. “What can I do for you?”
Dana leaned in, eyeing me with sympathy. “You’re familiar with our company’s sexual-harassment policies? And you know that you can always come directly to me, if you’re not comfortable going to your manager? I don’t want you to ever feel like you don’t have a voice.”
Super weird. Tension cranked through me. “I realize.” It would have to be a fairly significant level of harassment, for me to something like that, but I didn’t really deal with it in this job. Mike was the worst, and he was gone.
Dana looked less comfortable with each passing second. “The employee that was terminated the other day, Mike Mejia, was apparently guilty of more than you realize. He forwarded me some information this morning, and while I don’t know how he obtained it, the content has me concerned for your wellbeing and happiness.”
“Okay...? I don’t know what you’re looking for, so you need to tell me what you’re concerned about.”
She leaned back to look at her monitor, and clicked her mouse.
“If there was a lock on the conference room door, I’d bend you over the table right now, and find out if you’re as tight as I imagine.” Luke’s voice was hollow, coming from her speakers, as if recorded on a poor quality mic.
All the blood drained from my head, leaving my thoughts spinning and my skin cold. I’d never fainted before. Would this be a first?
“Is there more?” My voice cracked on the question.
“No.” Dana’s face was bright red. “Was he talking to you? The company supports you. Rinslet is on your side, as am I. You don’t need to put up with this.”
“I’m not putting up with anything.” How much could I say? We’d broken the rules, and I had to admit that, to keep Luke from getting in trouble, but this could get us both fired.
Was she looking at me with pity? “There won’t be any repercussions for you if you want to come forward, but you don’t have to. He was completely out of line. He’s being dealt with.”
“Wait. As in, right now?” The words sank in, and my panic spiked.
The meeting with Scott. Fuck. I wasn’t letting Luke get fired for sexual harassment. At least, if we went down, we’d do it together. “This isn’t right. It’s not what it looks like.” I stood and walked out of Dana’s office.
“Anne, come back. Please.”
I ignored her. I couldn’t think of anything, except that Luke was about to be punished for us having fun. The elevator up to the executives’ offices took an eternity. I cut a straight line to Scott’s office, and didn’t pause when his assistant tried to stop me. When I pushed into the room, Luke and Scott swiveled their heads to look at me.
“You can’t fire him,” I said.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Scott gestured to the farthest chair from Luke. “Have a seat. Do you want me to ask him to leave the room?” Scott nodded.
“No. Please don’t.” This was bad. Another consequence. This one possibly unrecoverable.
Scott looked at his watch. “You didn’t talk to Dana for long. Did she explain the situation to you?”
“Yes. Can’t we say the recording doesn’t exist, since neither of us gave permission?” I spared a glance at Luke, who didn’t look nearly as concerned as I was.
“This isn’t court,” Scott said. “The fact that the recording is illegal doesn’t change what’s on it. We’re pursuing Mike for a number of legal reasons, but that also doesn’t change this circumstance. Do you understand how this looks?”
According to Dana, it looked like Luke harassing an employee. “Yes, but it’s not like that,” I said.
Scott pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ve heard this story before. I’ve told this story before. Luke’s already given me his side of things, and it’s exactly what I expected. He told me he abused his position and crossed a line, and none of it is your fault.”
“Why the fuck would you do that?” I’d smack Luke in the arm if he was sitting closer.
“To protect you,” Scott and Luke spoke at the same time.
I crossed my arms over my chest and sank in my chair. Idiot. Lovable, sexy, protective idiot.
Most of the time, it was easy to forget Scott had been running this company in one form or another for two decades. He tended to look and act as young as any of us. Today, the lines around his eyes and mouth were evident. “This is where you tell me it’s not his fault; it’s all on you. That he didn’t threaten your job, and you were out of line.”
“Are you serious?” I stared at him blankly. “Why would I do that?”
“Like I said, I’ve heard and told this story before.”
“Then you’re an idiot too.” Shit. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.
Scott raised his brows and stared at me.
I really called the head of our company an idiot. And I wasn’t even done talking. “It was consensual. All of it. There was no power struggle. There was some seduction, but really, it’s no fun otherwise.” I could shut up anytime now, please. “None of that’s your business. Point is, I’m not going to tell you it was all my fault, and it’s not all his fault. We’re adults, and we both knew what we were doing.”
Luke looked like he was trying to fight a smile. Nice to know my babbling in vague terms about our relationship was funny to him.
Scott was still watching me. “Are you done?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said sheepishly. “Please don’t fire me. Or Luke.”
He stared at me until I wanted to look away, but I didn’t.
“I still can’t have you reporting to him, if you’re doing what this recording implies.” Scott furrowed his brow. “No, wait. There’s no implication there. It’s really straightforward.”
I’d like to curl up in a ball and die now. “We’re not doing that. Not anymore. Not that it’s any of your business.”
“The details aren’t. The one of my managers is sleeping with his employee breaks our rules.”
“You’re dragging this out a bit much.” Luke finally spoke. “It’s starting to look dickish.”
Scott’s face cracked into a smile. “I could see that.”
“Is there a punchline here?” I wasn’t going to
be someone’s joke, especially after everything that happened this week.
Scott turned back to me. “This was supposed to wait, but circumstances being what they are... I can’t lose either of you, but I also can’t keep the report-to structure the same. Anne, I’d like to offer you a director position. You can’t step into your new duties until this game is out the door, but if you accept, you report to me, not Luke, effective immediately.”
It didn’t matter that Luke had warned me this was being considered; actually hearing Scott make the offer stalled my brain. I had the sense not to ask things like what? and are you sure? But most other mental functions left me.
“Anne?” Scott prompted.
I shook off the shock. “Okay. I mean, yes please. That is... I’ll take it? Whatever it is I’m supposed to say.”
“Yes will do fine.” Scott chuckled.
We talked over a few more details, and he promised me an offer letter on Monday.
“Go home, both of you. Details are none of my business.” Scott fixed me with a pointed glare. “Take the weekend off. You’ve both earned more, but that’s the best I can give until the game is in players’ hands.”
Exhaustion and relief flooded me, making my limbs feel like lead, as we headed back to Luke’s car.
He pointed us toward my house. “Do you want to celebrate?” he asked.
“Yes, but no. Maybe something small. I want to save the big one until I’m actually doing the work.”
“Sounds fair.”
“This doesn’t change anything else between us.” I hated saying it, but the point needed to be pounded into the ground a few more times, apparently.
Luke twisted his mouth. “I didn’t figure it would.”
What else was there to say?
Chapter Twenty-Four
When Luke dropped me off, he insisted on carrying my bags inside, even though I argued that I’d be fine. The thanks, see you Monday we exchanged was one of the most awkward things ever, and I’d just had HR play audio of my boss telling me he hoped I was tight when he fucked me.